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All too often, in this great world, we seem to lapse into a state of ingratitude, taking for granted all of the blessings and comforts we enjoy or have enjoyed. We either revert into an attitude of self-satisfaction, expecting that peace and bliss will always follow us, or, become despondent and depressed and totally hopeless when face with adversity and think that our desperate situation is forever.
During these times we should, with sincerity of heart, count our blessings! Maybe even write them down to keep reminding us.
There is a song too, by the same name which has a history which demonstrates the reality and truth of this song. We may have heard this song in school or #Sundayschool, because maybe adults think it is childish to thank #God so simply. 
Gipsy Smith, a famous evangelist of yesteryear, said of this song, "Men sing it, boys whistle it and women rock their babies to sleep to it."
How did this song come about? 
Johnson Oatman, Jr., born April 21, 1856, was a citizen of Lumberton, N.J. His dad was a local merchant and just happened to be the best singer in town, with a rich, powerful voice. Young Johnson could not sing as well as his father, yet he grew up wanting to make some musical contributions of his own. However, for a time he worked in the family business, but soon gave up those opportunities and began to study for the ministry. After finishing school and ministering in the Methodist Episcopal churches for a time, Johnson continued to hope that life surely held some other plans for him.
At 36, he realized that he did, without question, have a musical talent after all. While he could not sing, he could write songs for other Christians to sing. So, every year some 200 songs flowed from his pen. He eventually had written 5,000 songs and was happy that in his musical compositions he had found a way to "preach the Gospel."
"Count Your Blessings," was written in 1897. Almost immediately it began its meteoric journey.
Like Johnson, each one of us too is blessed with something which can be used for Gods message of hope, love and peace to the world. We need to find it and use it.  
Listen to this great song once again and get inspired. For old times' sake.


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