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Depths of Despair

"Are you afflicted and burdened excessively? Do you feel as if you're under such intense pressure these days that you are close to despair? I have some surprising news: you're exactly where God wants you to be. It took all these years to get you this low, this needy. Now, look up!"
That was Pastor Chuck Swindoll.
This statement can make us wonder if our God is a sadist. But, if you have ever lived by grace alone, if His grace alone has ever been truly sufficient, one can understand what Pastor Chuck means. But why should God want us to be at our lowest? 
Firstly, God wants us to be reliant on Him and His grace alone. Not on self or money or power or position. He will take away all such crutches and teach us to walk independently with Him. This is critical because of point no 2 -
Second, blessings given us by God need to be shared. His blessing needs to flow through us - not stored in us. On our own, we will never allow them to flow through us to others unless we have learned to live by His grace alone.
Lastly, if something new has to be built, it is necessary to completely break the old. It's the same thing with us. God will not put our new self in our old framework. (Remember the story of new wine and old wineskins).
So. If anyone is going through the very depths of despair and affliction, take it as a training period to prepare us for a role in Gods team. In this world or the next.


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