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A "Tick in the Box" Life

The phrase "A tick in the box" is used to refer to a way of doing things that involves following rules or instructions that are the same in every case, with no possibility of someone using their own sense, knowledge or ability to do something. Today the question is: Do we lead "tick in the box" lives? 
David Jacobs says this: 
"If you and/or your family is anything like mine, the act of prayer has become repetitive. We say a quick prayer before eating, sometimes go to church and say quick prayers that we read off the bulletin, and overall any time that we pray it is of very little meaning or consequence. There is not an ounce of focus spent on the words and meaning of the prayer. It is almost like we are not even there. What do we want from these prayers? What are we asking for?"
You see it’s not the atheist who is a hypocrite, it’s the apathetic believer who is satisfied with the “whitewash” of the lifestyle and social standing of being part of a church community. And that is exactly what Jesus meant when He said 
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.” Matthew 23:27.
True devotion to God is something that is done inwardly, not merely on the outside.
God does not need, want, or ask for mindlessly repeated prayers. Long prayers, complex words, high sounding praises don't really matter. We don't need to use just the right words for Him to understand (Romans 8:26). What we do need is to communicate in sincerity and humility. God knows what we need before we even ask. We can speak to Him simply and openly, and He will hear, understand, and respond (Hebrews 4:15–16). He will hear and does hear the cries of our hearts. 
What we need to do is focus more on being more like Him in spirit and deed and less on ticking the boxes. 


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