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The Wall

Jerusalem will be a city without walls because of the great number of people and animals in it. And I myself will be a wall of fire around it,” declares the Lord, “and I will be its glory within.” - Zechariah 2:4-5 (NIV) A human mind is conditioned to build security for ourselves and our families. Security of a home, of parents, of brothers and sisters, of medical insurance, life insurance, money in the bank, assets, jobs, businesses ... and the list goes on and on. And by the way, God is also there as a backup, i s how we think . No person in his right mind would not try and create security for his life and his family through the world's mechanisms.. We consider that our primary security. That's the human way. But what is Gods way? He does not say these things are bad. What He does say is that our primary security is God Himself. Not what we create but what He does. We are invited to make Gods provision of His security our primary source of protection, our Armour (as David did

Are We Programmed for Defeat?

  Was there a time in your life when you feared something- a man, a woman or a situation. I know I have.  But who else did in the Bible? JACOB! "But Jacob replied, “My son will not go down with you. His brother Joseph is dead, and he is all I have left. If anything should happen to him on your journey, you would send this grieving, white-haired man to his grave.” (Genesis 42:38) Jacobs filial love, stopped him from trusting God. Just like you and me. Here are Pastor Chuck Swindolls thoughts..... "When Jacob learned what had happened, the old gentleman shriveled in fear. Rather than saying, "Thank God, He is at work. Men, He loves us and watches over us. In His care we are all safe," he responded negatively and horizontally. His sons had not only returned with the food they needed, but also with all of their money. They had been given grain from Egypt free of charge. All the prime minister had asked was that they prove they were not spies by returning with their youn

Free Speech

The essence of free speech (I think) is not in delivering a judgement but in inducing thought. We have been given guidelines for our actions yet we have the freedom to follow them or not. We have a choice. Free speech is available to us as soon as we have learnt to talk. We can use it to abuse or build or break. We can use it to gossip, to judge to pull down or we can use it to create goodwill. We can also use it to vent anger. Negative speech leads nowhere accept to bad feelings, as well as distance us from God, but positive speech can induce positive behaviors and thoughts in us and people around us. Free speech is a gift from God, hence should not the primary goal be to glorify Him? Author Gales has written that on average a person speaks 860,341,500 words in his entire life. For some perspective, 860.3 million words are equivalent to 14 times the entire text of the complete 20-volume Oxford English! If we measure how many words of this average, we have used to glorify God, and how

The Mutiny: The Professionals Bible

It is in the heart of man to rebel against authority. It started with Adam and Eve, continued during Moses's time continues today in offices, commercial organizations and even religious organizations including the Church. The story of the rebellion of Korah is recorded in Numbers 16. The rebellion of Korah demonstrates the grim consequences of trying to challenge authority thereby challenging God and of those whom He has chosen to be leaders of His people. Korah was the oldest son of Izhar, who was the son of Kothath of the tribe of Levi. Korah, then, was of the same tribe as Moses and Aaron. He led a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, accusing them of exalting themselves above the congregation of the Lord (Numbers 16:1-3). Korah was not alone in his charge. He gathered 250 other men to challenge Moses’ authority as well: “You have gone too far! The whole community is holy, every one of them, and the Lord is with them. Why then do you set yourselves above the Lord’s assembly?” (Num

The Sacrament: Pastor Rajiv's Message


The Hotline: The Professionals Bible

Suppose you had a problem which was so, so, huge only the President or Prime Minster or king or the head of your country could resolve it. So you approach his office and send a mail and weeks later you get a reply that you have been granted an audience and he will meet you for 15 mins six months later.  Now you wait eagerly for that date, preparing your application, file, arguments and case details. You hope you will get a favorable decision. This is a real-world scenario! Now think about the heavenly world. I face a problem today, and right now I get to escalate it to the Heavenly king through a personal hotline and even if His answer may take time, He provides interim relief. How great is that! And He does it day by day, minute by minute, looking after the lives of 8 billion people! 24X7! I may not meet God in wind, earthquake or fire, but for sure He is with me today and everyday in the simple ordinary events of life. And when I call on Him I know He will always be there to pick up

You Cannot Manage Time

  While Time Management is a very popular concept, we believe that we can't really manage "time". Time manages us and we can at best manage our response to time. Our responses further generate reactions which then become a "result". But one needs wisdom to respond to time, a wisdom available in  Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 New King James Version (NKJV) where it says -  To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, An