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Free Speech

The essence of free speech (I think) is not in delivering a judgement but in inducing thought. We have been given guidelines for our actions yet we have the freedom to follow them or not. We have a choice.

Free speech is available to us as soon as we have learnt to talk. We can use it to abuse or build or break. We can use it to gossip, to judge to pull down or we can use it to create goodwill. We can also use it to vent anger.

Negative speech leads nowhere accept to bad feelings, as well as distance us from God, but positive speech can induce positive behaviors and thoughts in us and people around us.

Free speech is a gift from God, hence should not the primary goal be to glorify Him? Author Gales has written that on average a person speaks 860,341,500 words in his entire life. For some perspective, 860.3 million words are equivalent to 14 times the entire text of the complete 20-volume Oxford English!

If we measure how many words of this average, we have used to glorify God, and how many we have used to gossip or criticize various people in our lives, the answer will probably send us reeling with shock.

Our average life span is 2-3 billion seconds of which we spend about 1 third on speech. Of that less than 30 percent is spent on positive speech. Do the math and see how much time we spend to praise God versus the time we spend on negative speech.

The fact is too many of us, even well-intentioned believers, tend to ‘compartmentalize’ our waking hours into a few familiar categories: work, rest, play, family time, and worship. To do so is a mistake. Worship and praise should be woven into the fabric of everything we do; it should never be relegated to a weekly three- hour visit to church on Sunday morning.

A lot many, including me, forgo fellowship or church prayer times or bible studies all on account of “work” or simply being inconvenient. We miss these opportunities for positive thought, positive speech and positive behaviours. We need to realize, religion is not a convenience! It is solid hard work to be able to maximize our time with God, become so familiar that not hear Jesus say – I do not know you. We were warned about it when He said –

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


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