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Miracles Are Not Magic

Exodus 7 -12  Miracles are not magic. They are acts of God. So, let's not wonder as we do when we see a magic trick, but understand that God who created everything, manages it all and can use His creation and all the laws that accompany it, to accomplish anything He desires. For years scientists, current and old, have researched the ways of God. Numerous research has gone into the Great Flood of Noah's time. Some try to prove it happened, some try to disprove it. No one tries to research why it happened, to achieve what, they only research the how. The wondrous thing is the creation itself and how it becomes a tool to achieve Gods wishes. Take the miracles that God did to release the Jews from Egypt. The plagues, the angel of death, the parting of the Red sea etc. The wonderous thing is not how it was done but why... why God did it, which was to fulfil His purpose. The purpose was the objective and not the Miracle itself. As to how God uses His creation to do miracles, here is

A Prodigal Child

Luke 15:11-32 Apart from being Gods word, The Bible is a book of wisdom. It is a book of knowledge and teaches us a way, in our professional and personal lives. It teaches us human behavior, human fallibility and Gods reaction to us and what we do. One such scenario is Rebellion. Rebellion is part of human nature, from the time of Adam and Eve. We too rebelled in our youth and our children will also do the same as will their children. As parents or elders, we sometimes take a tough stance and a high road, not remembering our own time. This parable, of the prodigal son, not only teaches us about Gods love for each one of us, but it also teaches us how we should react when we face Rebellion or disappointment from our own children. Like the father in the parable, we have to show patience, resilience, true love and understanding, tethered with God's word, to our children, guiding them and leading them. When they are unfaithful, we need to remain faithful. When they are unloving, we nee

For Us: Pastor Rajiv's Mid-Week Message


God's Rival: You & Me!

"Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name".  — Psalm 29:2 Are we Gods' rivals? Do we compete with Him? Unfortunately, throughout the ages man has competed with God by glorifying ourselves in our ego and our belief that we are responsible for all the good in our life. We proudly claim to be "self-made". Sounds familiar? Lucifer too had similar thoughts. He too rivalled God. He led Eve to believe she could be God too! ( “You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”).   It seems to be inherent in man to try and rival God, even as we read and believe His word and even as we are strongly advised to humble ourselves.  A small example: do we donate to the needy or do we pass it on? Think about it. When God commanded "thou shall have no other Gods before me" - it included us!

How do you weather the Storm?

  Based on the KJV devotional and Pastor Chuck Swindoll's Insight for Living.  All things are possible to him that believeth. — Mark 9:23 "Many professed Christians are always doubting and fearing, and they forlornly think that this is the necessary state of believers. This is a mistake, for “all things are possible to him that believeth” But I believe, that believing is not enough! Remember Moses?  God works best when we give up. When we lose that last sense of independence, of control and the smallest iota of self dependence.  Let me draw on Pastor Chuck Swindoll now, and see what he has to say about such times -  "Moses felt as low as a slug's belly. Way down there. He still hadn't rid himself of the idea that he was supposed to be the deliverer, and that he was somehow failing. How many times had God explained it to him? Yet, like many of us, he had trouble keeping a grip on the Lord's assurances". Are we not like Moses?  What was Moses to do now? ...

Shameless Audacity

                                       *Image: Addicted to success One key element of success in all aspects of life is persistence and or perseverance. Perseverance separates the winners from the losers. Those who persevere understand that luck is something you dent depend on.  Success in life depends on your willingness to never give up, even when the reward is delayed. Persistence is a force multiplier. Let's look at what the Word Says about persistence in Luke 11 Ver 5-10 5 Then Jesus said to them, “Suppose you have a friend, and you go to him at midnight and say, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves of bread; 6 a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have no food to offer him.’ 7 And suppose the one inside answers, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is already locked, and my children and I are in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.’ 8 I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will sure

When Life Becomes Unbearable

There are very many people in this world who may have or may be going through situations which create extreme hopelessness and helplessness, and life becomes unbearable. It may be a burden of debt, or personal circumstances, death of a loved one, joblessness, poverty, injustice, sickness and so on. Such burdens can become overwhelming, and Many have taken their own lives, many have thought of it, many have attempted it. Sleep, if it comes becomes the only rest. Some turn to drugs. Some to alcohol. Some to God. This is nothing new. Fear made the prophet Elijah request God that he might die (1 Kings 19:3-4). Jonah’s anger and dissatisfaction brought him to ask God to take his life (Jonah 4:3). Job was so tormented that he loathed his life and was bitter to the point that he wished he had never been born at all (Job 10:1, 18-22). In one's lifetime, there is a high probability that one will face such a phase. We are not going to question why God allowed it. The question rather is: wha