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When Life Becomes Unbearable

There are very many people in this world who may have or may be going through situations which create extreme hopelessness and helplessness, and life becomes unbearable. It may be a burden of debt, or personal circumstances, death of a loved one, joblessness, poverty, injustice, sickness and so on. Such burdens can become overwhelming, and Many have taken their own lives, many have thought of it, many have attempted it. Sleep, if it comes becomes the only rest. Some turn to drugs. Some to alcohol. Some to God.

This is nothing new. Fear made the prophet Elijah request God that he might die (1 Kings 19:3-4). Jonah’s anger and dissatisfaction brought him to ask God to take his life (Jonah 4:3). Job was so tormented that he loathed his life and was bitter to the point that he wished he had never been born at all (Job 10:1, 18-22).

In one's lifetime, there is a high probability that one will face such a phase. We are not going to question why God allowed it. The question rather is: what will you do?

Most people may search the internet, least likely to get the answer. This post itself will not, cannot, provide the answer. But one can come to some positive self thoughts which may help. We can ask ourselves - 

1. Is my situation self resolving? The human heart and mind themselves are self-resolving. As each day passes the pain becomes lesser. But only because we get the strength to bear it, and that strength comes from God.

2. Will God make it go away? No. God will not suddenly foreclose your loan. He will not magically make a sickness disappear. Will He suddenly send us a man with a job offer? No. God never promised a rose garden. But God will provide hope, direction and strength.

3. How have I survived life till now? What is my history? When all is lost, that is a good time to think about the blessings of the past. Specially, blessings which were inexplicable. Not only do those memories bring a smile, but they also refurbish our faith as we realize that they all came from God. And if God has been there all along, blessing us, guiding us, nudging, we once again believe He is there still, no matter what we may be going through. Think about that old Sunday school song - Count your blessings. There is truth and wisdom in that song.

Finally, we all have a question in such times: why me? That is best answered by Christ Himself -

“As he was passing by, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him: "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? ““Neither this man nor his parents sinned," Jesus answered. "This came about so that God's works might be displayed in him.” (John 9:1-3 CSB)

Basically, what He is saying is that our affliction is an opportunity to showcase God in our life. The grace of a widowed person, the attitude of a ruined person, in every situation our reactions can be either worldly or Godly. We have free choice, so it's upto us what we want to show the world.


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