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A Prodigal Child

Luke 15:11-32

Apart from being Gods word, The Bible is a book of wisdom. It is a book of knowledge and teaches us a way, in our professional and personal lives. It teaches us human behavior, human fallibility and Gods reaction to us and what we do.

One such scenario is Rebellion. Rebellion is part of human nature, from the time of Adam and Eve. We too rebelled in our youth and our children will also do the same as will their children. As parents or elders, we sometimes take a tough stance and a high road, not remembering our own time.

This parable, of the prodigal son, not only teaches us about Gods love for each one of us, but it also teaches us how we should react when we face Rebellion or disappointment from our own children.

Like the father in the parable, we have to show patience, resilience, true love and understanding, tethered with God's word, to our children, guiding them and leading them. When they are unfaithful, we need to remain faithful. When they are unloving, we need to remain loving. 

After all, true love is all about being there for someone, no matter the toughest and direst of conditions. We need to restore broken relationships, not break them further in our ego. The servant cannot be bigger than the master and we cannot be bigger than our God. 


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