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A "Tick in the Box" Life

The phrase "A tick in the box" is used to refer to a way of doing things that involves following rules or instructions that are the same in every case, with no possibility of someone using their own sense, knowledge or ability to do something. Today the question is: Do we lead "tick in the box" lives?  David Jacobs says this:  "If you and/or your family is anything like mine, the act of prayer has become repetitive. We say a quick prayer before eating, sometimes go to church and say quick prayers that we read off the bulletin, and overall any time that we pray it is of very little meaning or consequence. There is not an ounce of focus spent on the words and meaning of the prayer. It is almost like we are not even there. What do we want from these prayers? What are we asking for? " You see it’s not the atheist who is a hypocrite, it’s the apathetic believer who is satisfied with the “whitewash” of the lifestyle and social standing of being part of a church

The World's Greatest Need: Pastor Rajiv's Mid-Week Message

"Then if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek me and stop their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land".

In Case You Missed

  Why is Prophesy important This is Part I of the complete message where Pastor Rajiv gives the history and reasons behind the prophesying . You can see the video HERE Does the ends justify the means? The ends/means dilemma is a popular scenario in ethics discussions. Usually, the question goes something like this: “If you could save the world by killing someone, would you do it?” If the answer is “yes,” then a morally right outcome justifies the use of immoral means to achieve it. But there are different things to consider in such a situation. We present a  new look at a very old question. This instructive video message by Pastor Rajiv can be viewed HERE

Skydiving to Meet God

Skydiving is a popular sport. Skydivers do it to experience the thrill of a free fall for various reasons like stress busting, adventure, resilience to adversity and to value our lives. But there is one common factor which encourages people to go in for it: the parachute. The parachute ensures your safety, opening up at just the right time. Coming to the main point, skydiving to meet God? Is that even a thing? Do you remember the first time you turned to God? I mean really turn to Him and let Him into your life? Beyond traditional worship and mouthing of prayers? One believer who captures the moment in words writes - "Honestly speaking, the first time I did experience God was when I was in deep, deep trouble. There seemed to be no hope from any quarter. That's when prayer came out from the deepest recesses of the heart and mind. That's when I really and truly experienced the power of God; not through a solution (which did come in due course) but through a sense of peace an


  Empathy is a translation of the German term "Einfühlung", meaning “to feel as one with.” It implies sharing the load, or “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes,” in order to understand that person’s perspective. Empathy is entering into another person's world and feeling with that person, rather than feeling sorry for him or her. It is the very basis of human relationships and helps us to feel valued, loved, and cared for. Being connected to others is good for our mental wellbeing. There are enough articles and material about the benefits of empathy at work and in personal relationships. But there is another aspect of empathy that we may not have thought about: empathy and the 10 commandments. The Ten Commandments (decalogue=10 words) are ten principles for living in harmony with God and with other human beings. The first four deal with our relationship with God. The final six deal with our relationships with other people. It is in the last five that empathy comes as a

Pastor Rajiv's Mid-Week Message


It's All About Faith!

If Jesus, His resurrection and God are not true, then Christianity is the biggest con in the world!  Imagine 4 billion people being fooled into thinking that a "man" was resurrected! Charles Colson, who was part of the Watergate scandal and later converted to Christianity, said this about the resurrection: “I know the resurrection is a fact, and Watergate proved it to me. How? Because 12 men testified they had seen Jesus raised from the dead, then they proclaimed that truth for 40 years, never once denying it. Everyone was beaten, tortured, stoned and put in prison. They would not have endured that if it weren’t true. Watergate embroiled 12 of the most powerful men in the world- and they couldn’t keep a lie for three weeks. You’re telling me 12 apostles could keep a lie for 40 years ? Absolutely impossible.” That was his rationale and his faith based on his experience. Like him, 4 billion people too have faith based on their own logic and experience. But you see, whichever wa