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Skydiving to Meet God

Skydiving is a popular sport. Skydivers do it to experience the thrill of a free fall for various reasons like stress busting, adventure, resilience to adversity and to value our lives.
But there is one common factor which encourages people to go in for it: the parachute.
The parachute ensures your safety, opening up at just the right time.
Coming to the main point, skydiving to meet God? Is that even a thing?
Do you remember the first time you turned to God? I mean really turn to Him and let Him into your life? Beyond traditional worship and mouthing of prayers? One believer who captures the moment in words writes -
"Honestly speaking, the first time I did experience God was when I was in deep, deep trouble. There seemed to be no hope from any quarter. That's when prayer came out from the deepest recesses of the heart and mind. That's when I really and truly experienced the power of God; not through a solution (which did come in due course) but through a sense of peace and deep relief. After that there was no going back. I then knew beyond doubt that He is a friend I can count on. He is my safety net now and forever".
The question is: most of us have had this experience, why then do we fear adversity? And if we have not, then i think one has missed an experience of a lifetime. That does not mean we have to look forward to it, but that we do not run away from it and seek solace in worldly things.
Does not every adversity mean an opportunity to experience God? To experience Him in our human struggle? To watch Him at work firsthand. To experience the supernatural!
It was just such an experience that made Carl Boberg, a member of the Swedish Parliament in 1886 exclaim 'How Great Thou Art' and compose a poem, now a world-famous Hymn, because he experienced Gods glory through His creation. The famous singer, #GloriaEstefan, had a personal experience when she had a life and career threatening accident and a brush with the divine that she’ll never forget. Later she said. “I would visually see the prayers entering my body and going to my spine. I would imagine nerves reconnecting and doing all these things....". She channeled her encounter in her next album, "Into the Light". Its single, “Coming Out of the Dark,” recounted her experience.
Sometimes God allows adversity to strike us to get our undivided attention. Adversity provides us an opportunity to get to know and experience our creator firsthand. Let us not fear it because God is right there, listening and ready to deliver us. That's some real comfort right there!
God is the parachute when we freefall from the skies, opening up at just the right time.


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