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Do you have a Vision: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

Proverbs 29:18

"Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the Law"

Every life is unique. Every person is different. Every profession needs a unique skill set and a unique personality.

As we prepare celebrate Christmas, maybe it's time to think about who we are and our personal vision for our life. As a person, who would I like to be? Where do I see myself? What does God want to accomplish through me? What tools or talents has He equipped me with?

Let's understand this. God has a vision for Every follower of Christ.

So, What does it mean to run with the vision God has given you? First of all, it means to see the picture that God sees for your life. Know the plan He has for you, and then go after it with full force, giving it everything you’ve got. It means to be committed to God’s call with your whole heart, not halfheartedly.

This also means we will need to o be able to overcome our personal vision and accept Gods vision. The question is how do we get to know Gods vision for ourselves?

There are three questions we can use to shape a God given vision -

A. What has been my past? Am I proud of it (legacy, including talents etc.) and what would I have done differently (regret) . What is a dream I dream of (ideal)
B. What have been the various influences or influencers who have helped me shape that dream (role models)
C. Is that dream, minus the regrets plus the legacy, in line with the life of Christ? Does it reflect Biblical principles?

Once we have answers to these questions, answers which have been well reflected on and reflect the truth about us, we can start building a vision. Do note that this vision will evolving over time. Becoming better and better, reducing the gap as we continue to reflect, maybe daily, on our progress towards it.

Example of a personal vision statement could be

“My vision is that people whose lives are limited by poverty, lack of education, or deficient training will experience the love of Jesus through me as I give them employment, encourage their education, and offer them training so they feel successful and are able to support a family.”

See, right there is a vision - where one is reflecting the light of Christ to make someone's life better, showing the world what a Christian life is all about.

This Christmas shall we reflect and create a Personal Vision for ourselves? 

For more examples and details, please do visit


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