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Beyond Your Control


Psalm 121:7-8. The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.

Do you know how many hours of the day we have no control on our life, and completely in Gods hand? No? Well here is a mathematical equation to help you calculate.

No. of hours or minutes of sleep + hours spent in travel + hours or mins spent in profession + hours or mins spent in entertainment or games + hours or minutes spent in other activities like eating or partying, worrying, etc.

Now if you total it up you will get a pretty good idea of the total time one is in Gods hand. Mine is 1440 minutes when not I but God is in control. What is yours?

The how.

A. When we sleep, we have no consciousness of dangers or potential mishaps - 8 hrs
B. When we eat we really don't know the food quality, contamination, source, effect on our bodies and so on. - 1.5 hrs
C. When we travel, car or bus or air or rail - we are mostly not in the driver's seat and even when we are, we have no control on anyone else who can pose a danger. - 2 hrs.

D. When we breathe, what surety do we have for each breadth? Do we have control on our heart beating?
E. When we do negative things, maybe in hiding, He is still protecting us from the outcomes which can follow.

Like me, I am sure when you do this calculation for each activity or part of your day, you too will total 1440 minutes or one complete day!

This realization makes me thank Him for His hand of protection, of provision and of His plan for me and claim the promise made in the quoted verse. Daily.


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