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Are You a Visionary?

These days we honor some thinker or scientist or politician saying "she (or he)" is a visionary. The meaning of that erm is thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom and believes in it. They are full of knowledge which they apply and practice.

According to world norms, everyone is not a visionary. Only a few exceptional ones.

According to Christian terms, who are the visionaries? Well, everyone, has the opportunity. Few perhaps take it.

Visionaries are the people who look at the world as it is and see what it could be instead. A Christian visionary sees it as it is today, and what he will become beyond, and plans for it. S/He sees and believes that there is a life beyond death which they want to save and are ready to invest in it.

S/He researches, believes and plans. S/He shares. Christian visionaries are not afraid to pivot, and lead a life based on Christ's way. They believe there is a war out there, an unseen but not unfelt war. They pray for, and receive, discernment and wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

The question is can you and I become a visionary? Definitely so! WE WILL find that the knowledge we need to become one is in the Bible. We will read it, not out of duty or compulsion, or force of habit, but out of interest and belief to invest in our future. We will gain that knowledge, think about it and plan how to apply it. Pray for those plans or changes and go forward.

The Christian visionary will believe in the vision of a world shown in Revelations and want to be one of the 144000 or as close to one as possible. They will definitely want to be part of that world and have the courage and the will to invest in it. They will believe in discipline and obedience, correction and rewards. They will accept each as part of their training.

Not surprisingly, there is also a warning to the visionaries:

Revelations Chapter 22: 18-19 says 

18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.19And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.

Therefore, let us not try and give our human understanding or interpretation to these words of knowledge (as many do today), but become a visionary based on the uninterpreted word of God, not using its interpretations to justify our ends but pivoting our ends to the unadulterated word of God.


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