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Crowd Sourced Missionaries

The world is full of people in need of something. Even the richest have needs, as do the poorest. Everyone has some need or the other. As we are called upon to support one another, how do we fill in the needs of all the people around us? Financial, emotional, education, jobs, medical, loneliness, and the list goes on. No one single person can help fulfill all this. Or can they? We know of a lady who tries to do just that and has developed a very unique operating model. When she comes to know of someone in need, she first listens, ascertains it is genuine to the best of her ability, and then circulates that need to her circle of friends and acquaintances. People come together, contribute what they can, and she then channelizes it to the person who needed it. She does not amass on a large scale and then distribute. She addresses each need separately - be it a wedding of a poor person, or medical needs or education, clothes, food and so on.  In short, she has created an informal support

Prophecies: Part II - Continuing Pastor Rajiv's Message


My Horrorscope

  Or horoscope? Such is man's desire to know his or her future that we resort to the stars, who tell us when and what will happen. Especially when we are facing tough times, we are extremely keen to know when it will end. We pray about it, we remember Gods promises and when it does not happen, we are tempted to resort to the stars. Many also read their horoscopes for fun, entertainment or just to pass time at an airport. Or so they think: If there is some strong prediction, one does not forget it and, consciously or subconsciously, starts linking events to it. Whether we like it or not, want it or not, it does have an effect on us.  At such times we need to remind ourselves two things - Gods ways are not our ways, and our time is not His time. We need to wait on Him, for His ways. As regards our horoscopes, in Isaiah 47, we see that God condemned those who did use astrology in this way. Verse 12 first condemns the magicians, and then verses 13-14 goes say the following: “Where are

Why is Prophesy Important: Pastor Rajiv's Weekly Message

  This is Part I of the complete message where Pastor Rajiv gives the history and reasons behind the prophesying . 

Instant Gratification

We live in a world where time is in short supply. People need instant delivery to their wants and desires. Fast food, instant shopping, instant messaging, instant food, everything needs to be off the shelf and quick. Slow cookers are special and even hone cooked food is a luxury!  LIFE is short on time and short on patience. The fourth fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22 is translated as “longsuffering,” or in modern vernacular, “patience.” This concept has become completely foreign to our modern culture. But is it part of our Christian ethos? We are not saying we should not use "instant services". What we are saying is that we should not let it become our character. Why? For an answer we will draw from a spiritual website named Life, Hope and Truth where a writer named Tom shares his thoughts. He says - "Patience is a part of God’s nature and character, and something He wants us to be developing as well.... David wrote about the need to “wait on the LORD” nume

The Losses of Prayer

A woman was once asked: What do you "gain" from praying to God regularly? She replied: Usually ′′ I don't earn anything ", but rather ′′ I lose things ". And she quoted everything she lost praying to God regularly: "I lost my pride. I lost my arrogance. I lost greed. I lost my urge. I lost ′′ my ′′ anger. I lost the lust. I lost the pleasure of lying. I lost the taste of sin. I lost impatience, despair, and discouragement". Sometimes we pray, not to gain something, but to lose things that don't allow us to grow spiritually.

Giving is part of Thanksgiving! Pastor Rajiv's Mid-Week Message

With Thanksgiving around the corner next month, Pastor Rajiv talks about the importance of giving in a Christian's life.    As Thanksgiving approaches, we may consider submitting a part of our blessing to God, which, in todays world which is tantamount to sharing His Blessings with others as well. Pastor Rajiv talks about the importance and more, of sharing God's Blessings with others who may need what we will share.  Lets us thank the Almighty for deliverance from a pandemic which hit the world after a century; for our deliverance from it and other evils which may have befallen. From hunger, as even today 345 Million People Are in Hunger Crisis while the haves waste food (40% of the food produced in America is never eaten and. if just half of the food waste worldwide were recovered, we could end World Hunger).  In this context and background, Pastor Rajiv's message is ever so important.