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I experienced God's grace and peace in my life


I am Evangelist and Pastor Joshan P Thomas Varghese from Kerala. I am doing God's ministry to glorify the only name of Christ Jesus. 


For the last 12 years I have been a devotional play back singer. I am happy and blessed to share my testimony and experiences that I faced in life and the love and Grace of God to me. The year 2021 was a tough year for so many people including me and I faced some trials in life, but my prayers to God were answered and my painful tears was answered with showers of blessings.


There was a time last year that I felt  alone and lonely in life with no one who I could talk to or share my problems.  But   at the same whenever I faced loneliness the word of God strengthened me in many ways mentally and physically and  that gave me power of the Holy spirit to stand and fight to win the battle against the forces of the devil, who tried  his level best to put me down in life The Devil tried his best to make my life  complicated but God promised me my life will be complete with blessings. My life could have been in a complete mess but Christ Jesus stood by me, comforted me and blessed me. I faced many tests in my life but each time I had a friend in Jesus. I know why this happened. It was so that I am able to give a testimony about the love of Christ and how he carried me in the palm of my hand.  


I am nothing but God made me everything I am thankful to God almighty for his sincere love and care that's forever for sure because he chose me and called my name before I was formed in my mother’s womb.


I am happy to conclude my blessed testimony with one of my favorite quote i used to introduce,


Start the day with God.

End the day with God.

Live for God and Die for God


God bless you🙏





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