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1 Cross + 3 Nails: The Power of Gods word.

Today's message by Pastor Rajiv talks about depression and angst. We all go through it and as did I for the past few days. Financial worries, uncertainty of the future, all contributed to my faith possibly weakening in God's promise. For a couple of days now I didn't even feel like writing a daily devotional record which I normally do.  It felt as if the Heavens had shut me out. This was in spite of some excellent news coming in the morning. Yet depression was setting in. 

But this is what happened- My morning devotion quoted Deuteronomy 31: 6 

Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Another morning reading was titled "Believe the impossible". It was based on Matthew 9:28. It concluded "no matter how big your problem is, it is not impossible for God to give you a solution". I read it all and yet I did not hear God as He spoke this. 

But , as I did my afternoon devotion in the Upper Room, it talked about a woman having similar doubts. It quoted Hebrews Chapter 11 ver 1. I read it and was prompted to read the whole chapter which I did. Then I researched for an explanation of the Chapter and as I read and understood, it seemed to me that God was talking to me, convincing me not to lose faith. He showed me what faith meant with examples of the great people of the Bible, from Abel to Abraham to Moses and on and on. He defined faith through His servant Paul and gave examples. 

God. The creator, the Almighty Glorious maker, looked upon the plight of this servant and spent time rejuvenating me, not by performing some physical miracles but simply showing me the past to be able to have faith in my future with God. 

I know that Hebrews was not written for me but everyone. But I also know that God looked down on me today and gently nudged me to read, get strengthened and draw on my faith and the promise He gave me yet again in the morning through Deuteronomy 31:6. 

The next day I saw another devotional passage. It explained that, while in the old days when God promised something, people usually asked for a sign from God (2 Kings 20:16) and He gave them. These were days when there was no written word, as in the Bible. Today His word is available to us through the Bible and He speaks to us through it. Instead of looking for physical signs, search the scriptures and find His word. 

H.L. Mencken said faith is the “Illogical belief in the occurrence of the impossible.” truly what God has done for my family is impossible and illogical because we did not deserve this nor did we ever dream of it. We praise and thank Him for it.


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