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Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection: The World is a Lonely Place

“Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8.

Do you remember the story of David and Goliath? This small fellow, unknown for any war like skills, took on and defeated Goliath, the champion fighter. Alone, unsupported but only cheered on by Saul's army.(Kind of reminds me of our current day situation between Ukraine and Russia).

Who in this world could be lonelier than King David? Hunted by his king, death of his best friend, his children turning on him, his favorite wife being his out of sin, her baby dying, constantly at war....

But there was one who never left his side and that was God. David is known as the man after Gods own heart, because while he may have been lonely, he sought God day and night and God was always there. . He tried to obey, he took punishment where due and all in all had a constant and daily relationship with God.

In Psalm 25:16, he prays - Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.

David had a relationship with God. And in that relationship he had someone he could always turn to. He may have been lonely at times but he was never alone. Now that may sound funny, having a relationship with someone not seen. But in this world where we are isolated and depend on social media and internet based social networking that is not strange. We are constantly trying to build a relation with someone we have never met in person nor are we sure he or she actually exist.

We too can build a relationship with God. Talk to Him and feel His presence all around us as we live in His creation. A very good resource to help us understand how David related to God, can be found

Maybe we can make him our role model. Meanwhile to start with I can recommend David's prayer of thanks giving in 2 Samuel 7:18-29. 

We all can have a great friend in Jesus. Let's send him a friend request today.

*** Note: if you find our Daily Reflections of value in your life, please share with your friends and family.


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