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Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections : Root Cause Analyses

Root cause Analyses is a very popular management tool to find out the actual cause of a problem or a fault so that by rectifying it, the resultant problem gets solved.
But did you know that the first Root cause analyses was done by Jesus Christ when he said in Mathew 5 29and 30 -
"If your right eye causes you to stumble,(B) gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to stumble,(C) cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell".

Many of us take these commands so literally, we end up ignoring them. After all, if I have stolen something, am I to cut off my hands? Not at all. What these verses mean is to identify and remove the root cause of what has made me steal.

Removing the root cause could be very simple or extremely complicated. If I am an alcoholic and my friends circle is influencing me to remain there and not get better, I need to change my friends. On the other hand if I am a habitual liar, it will be way more difficult and not as simple as changing my environment.

The key here is honest identification of the root cause, no excuses, and honest removal of it. This sounds easy but is extremely difficult and it maybe a good idea to ask God to show us the mirror, to help us to identify it and thereafter remove it. It can be days, months, years before the root is finally killed. But what is critical is 2 steps in the process.

1. Decide to do away with that root cause and stick to that decision, no matter how strong the desire. There maybe backsliding but don't give up. Get up and start again.

2. Don't leave any empty holes. As soon as the root or even a part of it is removed, fill that void with Gods word and Jesus's presence. If you don't, that void will soon become a bed of weeds and killer roots.


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