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All Things Bright and Beautiful : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Devotional

Genesis 2:15

"And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it".
The original mandate to humans was to look after and maintain this beautiful world God gave us. A utopian world which would be bereft of climate change, carbon emissions, pandemics, human tragedies. I could go on and on.
We have failed miserably. Our failure necessitated the coming of Jesus Christ as well. Necessitated His death.
We can't go back in time and correct what we failed in, but we sure can correct ourselves in the present time, on a personal basis, as a personal responsibility, given to us by none other than God and His son.
For starters, we can reduce our personal carbon footprint. You can calculate your personal footprint here and see how to reduce it and help the environment and our world that God gave us.
Second, we should see helping our fellow brothers and sisters as helping God because they are His children. God has commissioned us to be blessings to all His children – both the lost and the found. When we choose to withhold our help, we are turning our backs on God. Make sure that your heart is set on helping those in need at all times. It is always rewarding.
We have been chosen to be disciples and this means that we are the face and hands and feet of Jesus on earth. Jesus depends on us to bring the Good News to others, and most of the time that is by giving example of how Jesus acted during his time on earth.
It is not for us to judge and with hold. It is for us to do what we have been commissioned to do, which is to take care of our world and the people in it.

** From the Poem All Things Bright and Beautiful" by Cecil Frances Alexander. You can read this beautiful poem, now a hymn, HERE.


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