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Do we "Love to Hate"? - Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

Has hate overcome us? Do we really love our neighbors as we profess?
Have you ever heard the cliché, “no bond is stronger than two people who hate the same person?” It turns out there is actually some truth to that statement. You can actually read more about it here

But today, this is not about hate but why we profess love, but love to hate.

As Christians we are commanded to love our neighbor (which includes everyone in this globally connected world) as we love ourselves which essentially means we do not do things to someone , anyone (even on social media) we would not do to ourselves.
And yet we do.

Do we really know what love is? There are 15 attributes to love. Unless we can't tick all 15 towards everyone (including social media) we cannot claim to be loving. AND IF WE CANT CLAIM THAT, WE DONT LOVE. AND IF WE DONT LOVE, WE HATE.

Peter Druker said "if you can't measure it, you can't improve it". As an exercise, let's evaluate ourselves against these 15 attributes and see for ourselves. These attributes are based on 1 Corinthians, 13 Verses 4-8. 

Love is patient,(1) love is kind (2). It does not envy (3), it does not boast (4), it is not proud (5) 5 It does not dishonor others (6), it is not self-seeking (7) it is not easily angered (8), it keeps no record of wrongs (9).6 Love does not delight in evil (10) but rejoices with the truth (11) It always protects (12), always trusts (13), always hopes (14), always perseveres (15).

How did it go?  Can we improve? Of course we can. After all Christ did it and If we have Him in our life, emulating Him is our goal. 


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