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Operation Sting

The Heavenly Gazette

Monday edition


It is with a great sense of relief and joy that we report that the sting operation we carried out against Satan, headed by the son of God, is concluded with an immense victory against his satanic  forces. 

According to our correspondent on Earth, God's son, Jesus, as He is known on Earth,  has succeeded in the most impossible task of standing in for the world's sins - past present and future, by offering Himself as the required sacrifice, ensuring the  humans down on earth can follow their original charter of being Gods people. Our correspondent has also been promoted and will remain on Earth after Jesus to ensure His work continues.

He further reports that Satan, along with his cohort was laughing in delight on Friday, when silly and selfish humans killed Jesus, little realizing that Jesus would over come even physical death and rise again. Today they have realized that no force in the universe is equipped to overcome God, our king.

We are also happy to report that Jesus's  resurrection means that eternal life is granted to all who believe in Him, meaning that those who do, are potential citizens of our heavenly world. We welcome all the new applicants as they qualify. Human followers of Jesus have been tasked with the job of maximizing applicants  by spreading Jesus's teachings and increasing His followers on Earth so that we can increase heavenly citizenship.  

While Satan and his forces tried their best to sow doubts about Jesus being the son of God, His resurrection rebuked all that and provided final and undeniable proof that He is really the Son of God and that He had overcome both deaths once and for all.

The resurrection further affirms Jesus of Nazareth  as the King and Lord of the new Jerusalem: a new heaven and a new earth, which is our Kings plan.

Some key humans were excited to know that Gods love for humans was proven in sending His son and our brother to the earth to be crucified and killed, in keeping with His promise to save the world. Jesus's love for humankind was what kept Him hanging on that cross, despite the extreme physical pain and finally, Gods love for His son, proving the sons heirship, which resurrected Jesus from the grave, defeating satanic forces and opening the door once again between humans and  God.

Perpetual Victory
The satanic world never realized what was going to happen and what was the actual plan of God. While they cheered and celebrated, Jesus neutralized their threat completely, triumphing over sin and spiritual death, once and for all. 

Our Lord the king has ruled that today should be celebrated by all, in heaven and the earth where humans now know that they can die to their old way of living and resurrect into a new life with Jesus Christ. They are calling it Easter. For followers worldwide, the importance of Easter will be in  praising and acknowledging Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, and His glorious assurances of eternal life in heaven for all who believe in Him. On the practical side, every Easter will be an opportunity for Christ's followers to crucify their old self and resurrect into a new life in Christ. In fact, one senior follower of Jesus by the name of  שמעון בן יונה (or shimon ben yonah) is quoted as saying-

"Praise be to the God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

Meanwhile Jesus has a few chores left and will be returning to us after 40 days. Mr. Moses and Mr. Elijah have been requested to accompany Him on His return journey.


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