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The Great commission: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

He had to enable them for the Great commission with  Hope and Faith. 

Read Hebrews Chapter 11 HERE, if you have not read that fantastic Chapter from the Bible. 

Hope is the belief in what could be. Hope redefines what is probable and opens the paths to the impossible. Hope opens the door to even let yourself consider that there may be a way out of your problem. Our Christian faith revolves around hope and faith today, both going hand in hand.  

But in those days after His crucifixion, hope had to be rekindled. There was no Paul and no letter to the Hebrews. Jesus’ crucifixion had devastated His followers, just as it must have filled his enemies with pride. 

In Matthew 19:27 Peter said to Jesus, “We have left everything to follow you.” And in John 6:68 Peter said, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” 

Above all, in John 20:9 we also learn that they “did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.” 

As they watched Him being crucified, everything they had hoped in and believed in was destroyed before their eyes. They thought that once again, Rome had managed to steal the future of Israel right out from under them. They did not understand that Jesus would rise from the dead. They did not understand that it was not over yet. So, when He appeared to them after His resurrection, Jesus restored their hope. And this was one of the most important tasks Jesus had to achieve, to revive the disciples so they could carry His hope to a hopeless world, because this was the Great commission He had for them. 

This was a key success factor for their success in their life after Jesus's departure to heaven, and this is what we are called on to do today as well. Carry His word to the world, using whatever Gift God has given us - be it a good voice, communication skills, analytical mind, sales and marketing skills, physical strength, mental fortitude, exceptional education, - you name it. God needs everything, no matter how silly it sounds. For example why would God need  sales skills? Friends, sales skills , is the ability to convince other people of a need and a product or service to fulfil that need. Does not the world need God? Is everyone aware they need God? does everyone believe in God? 

Today, as we are filled with the hope that is in Christ, can we analyze our selves and identify one thing, just one thing we can do for the Great commission. 


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