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What is your JD? Pastor Rajiv's Daily Devotional

What is your Job Responsibility? 

Responsibility is defined as the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.

Starting with Adam and Eve, we all have responsibilities. They were supposed to be caretakers of creation by virtue of having control or dominion. Peter was also given specific responsibilities ("take care of my sheep"). Paul also points out in his letter to the Corinthians that whatever we do, should be for the glory of God. 

Drawing on these I like to think that our JD primarily consists of these -

1. Taking care of God's creation : We have been given dominion or charge over the entire creation, or nature as we call it. With this charge comes a responsibility to maintain it, for ourselves and the generations to come. We are stewards and must fulfil that responsibilities of a steward. 

2. Take care of people: In line with Christ's commandments, loving our fellow citizens passively is not enough. We need to actively practice that love by caring for people, specially those maybe down in life. Sharing provisions, time, blessings which we have received are some ways we can. It means we need to be sensitive to people, societies, norms, governments, etc. Remember, Paul said - " Give no Offense, either to Jews, or to Greeks or to the Church of God, just as I please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit but the profit of the many so that they maybe saved". 

3. Reflect the Glory of God in our life - By far the most important. Like Jesus summed up 613 commandments into 2, this one wraps up all  our JD  into one. To reflect God's glory one must first then know God's Glory and it's characteristics. If we have received a miracle, don't keep it a secret. If we have received a blessing share it. Acknowledge God in all things good and acknowledge His strength and grace given to us to survive the bad. Encourage one another in faith and it's practice. But above all, practice that faith. Dr. Irv Busenitz has captured this very well in his article "The Christian's Job Description"  - 
"Our job is to glorify God. This must be our purpose in life, whatever we do, do all to the glory of God. How are we to accomplish this? By placing the benefit of others ahead of ourselves, by foregoing our liberties so that the lost might be saved, and by pursuing the likeness of Christ".


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