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Knowledge@Work : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

There is a difference between knowing something and putting that knowledge to work. Lots of people know their Bible. Some can even repeat memorized verses. Others can quote references at the drop of a hat.

But according Matthew 22 14, "
Many are called but few are chosen".

This is paradoxical. God calls but does not choose all those He has called. Why?

In this context one wonders who will be chosen, how will they be chosen and on what basis?

The Bible is quite clear on this actually. God, calls, people hear, but not all listen and do what they have been told. The process is quite simple. Hear- listen- do.

Thus, the people who hear the word, fill their hearts with the word and practice his word in letter and spirit are the few who may enter the gates. Sounds easy but probably one of the most difficult to apply. 

Gods word is is a double edged sword. Bitter in its condemnation and sweet in its saving grace. And saving grace only happens when we are imbibing it and then applying and doing it. We need to do as Jeremiah did: eat the word of God. Like John did as mentioned in Revelations.

There are 3 states that emerge
A. We can hear it and disregard it
B. We can hear it and memorize it
C. We can hear it, memorize it, apply it and do it.

It is  the third state that the elect are from. It's the third state that separates the hypocrite from the  truly righteous. 

Ephesians 4:24

"....and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth."


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