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Hotline to Heaven: Pastor Rajiv's Daily reflections.

Do we need Samuel ?

1 Samuel 7:3  "And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the LORD with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the LORD, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines".

This verse has a lot of meaning even today. The strange Gods Samuel refers to can be anything which distracts us from our relationship with God. It could be money or riches or another person and in fact anything. If we look at our lives most of us have compartmentalized our time, even time for God. We have a time for devotions (if at all) and seldom are we in continuous communication with God. We have fixed times for prayer, for Church for fellowship etc. 

Taking a cue from the quoted verse, isn't it time we prioritized God over anything else? Why does God have to take second priority? Why Can't we establish a direct and  constant communication with Him - at home, at work, in the train, in the plane and where ever we are? Sounds impractical? Let me tell you it's absolutely doable. How? You may ask. 

Well, the fact is every one of us does something called self talk, where we are constantly talking to ourselves in our minds. We simply need to be self aware of our self talk and include God in the conversation. When we start doing that, we will also start reviewing answers through the Holy Spirit, in the form of thoughts. Our self awareness will help us to listen and understand what God and the Holy Spirit are prompting us with. In fact we need not even say "Dear God" and end with Amen. 

So do we need a Samuel in our lives today? No definitely not. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit so that we don't need prophets to communicate on our behalf. Just two simple steps and we have a hotline to heaven. The first step is to become aware of your self talk and the second step is to include God in the conversation. Simple yet effective. 


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