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Why Plan B Fails : Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

In management we are told that a plan B is important to have as a backup. In my private life I totally disagree though others may not. 

You see, If we have a God led life, having a plan B is like trying to help God deliver on the plan He made for you. Gods does not have a plan B and when we make one we lose faith in His plan and thus become less resilient in it, in terms of work, faith and belief in God. The result can be disastrous.

Remember Sarah, Abraham's wife? She laughed at Gods promise. She also tried to help God! Her action of having Abraham wife Hagar was just that! A plan B for Gods promise to come true. A back up to God!

Needless to say her Plan B had some serious consequences, partly felt even today.
What we learn from Sarah's story is relevant to us today as well, a we often doubt Gods will for us when things are bad and look hopeless. For example if I had a dollar in my pocket I would not plan a feast for a wedding, would I? But if I was sure that the wedding was part of Gods plan I would go ahead and plan it in full faith that He would provide.

From Sarah we learn that
A. God can do what is seemingly impossible.
B. God always delivers on his promises
C. God is always in time. Not on time but in time. In His time. And His time is always perfect. We need to be patient. In the words of Jeremy Collier, "the fortitude of a Christian lies in patience..."

So you see, God has a plan for us with zero chance of failure. We need to have faith in that one plan and wait in faith. God does not make plan B, so why should we?

As He says in Isaiah 55:

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts"


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