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Ethics of hypocrisy: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?”

Luke 6:46

The word "Ethical" comes from the Greek ethos or  "moral character" and describes a person or behavior as right in the moral sense - truthful, fair, and honest. Sometimes the word is used for people who follow the moral standards of their profession.

As a Christian, have you ever wondered what our ethics should be? We profess Christianity but do we know the ethics of our profession?

If not, it's time to read the scripture again, because without due consideration, we will tend to wrongdoings or sins, both of commission and omission. For those who don't understand what these sins are - Simply put, sins of commission are things we have done which are biblically wrong and sins of omission are things we should have done but did not do. For example I should have told the truth about something but I kept silent because it was not convenient for me. That is omission of truth. 

Expanding further, in these Covid days people may have Covid but omit to inform thereby endangering others. That is omission of truth. To explain further using the example of truth and lies, commission is actively lying about something and omission is keeping silent on the truth. 

Both are equally dangerous.

When we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord, we are supposed to practice His teachings, both actively and passively. But when we don't do that and yet say Lord Lord, are we not being unethical and hypocritical?

Let's become more aware of sins of omission and commission so that we consciously avoid being a hypocrite, but be held accountable to Jesus's ethics. 


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