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The Cedars of Lebanon: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflection

 David said -

“Praise ye the Lord, fruitful trees and all cedars.” why this special reference among all trees?

Have you heard of the Cedars of Lebanon? No? So let's look at some important facts and why they are important for Christians. 

The Cedars of Lebanon are referenced more than 103 times in the Bible. They are said to be Cedars of God, planted or created by God. They have been around since time itself. Solomon used cedar for the Temple, it is used as a purifier, it does not need watering and can survive indefinitely. The Hebrew word for it signifies strength of roots.

Why is it important for Christians? The age of many of the cedar trees in Lebanon, most particularly in Besharry, goes back hundreds of years prior to Christ's incarnation. The cedar is mentioned in Sirach 24,13ff. It is known as the cedrus exaltata, the exalted cedar.

But most importantly, the Cedars are like Christians or Gods people. Like the cedar, Christians are not Christians by their choice but by being chosen by God.
Lebanon’s cedars are emblematic of the Christian, in that they owe their planting entirely to the Lord. This is quite true of every child of God. He is not man-planted, nor self-planted, but God-planted.

Moreover, the cedars of Lebanon are not dependent upon man for their watering; they stand on the lofty rock, unmoistened by human irrigation; and yet our heavenly Father supplies them what they need. Thus it is with the Christian who has learned to live by faith. He is independent of man, even in temporal things; for his continued maintenance he looks to the Lord his God, and to him alone

Again, the cedars of Lebanon are not protected by any mortal power. They owe nothing to man for their preservation from stormy wind and tempest. They are God’s trees, kept and preserved by him, and by him alone. It is precisely the same with the Christian. He is not sheltered, but protected by God. Like cedars, believers are full of sap, having vitality enough to be ever green, even amid winter’s snows.
Lastly, the flourishing and majestic condition of the cedar is to the praise of God only.

Like David said - "Praise ye the Lord, fruitful trees and all cedars.” but instead of trees and Cedars shall we say - 

"Praise ye the Lord all ye men and all Gods people, for we are God planted, God nourished and God protected. Praise God."


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