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The Esacpe Route: Pastor Rajiv's Daily Reflections

One of the principles of physics is that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In essence, whatever we do has consequences - good or bad.

In  Christian life, similarly there are consequences of wrong decisions, trusting ourselves rather than godly guidance, etc . While Jesus will not change those consequences, He will change us and our attitude if we ask Him to do that.

David prayed day and night for his baby to be saved and not die. But that did not happen. When he realized he had to bear the consequences he stood up, had a bath, thanked God and moved on, having borne the consequence of his sin with Bathsheba.

And that is one of the biggest disconnects in our understanding of Gods forgiveness. When we make a mistake and ask God for forgiveness are we truly looking to be forgiven or are we asking for an escape route from the consequences of our wrong doing?

Let's understand this better with a fictional example. Let us say I owe the government 10,000 in taxes and I omit to pay it. And then I get served a notice. 

Now here is what happens: I have been disobedient to God (He said give to Caesar what is Caesars) as well as committed a crime in the land where I live. So I start praying to God - Lord forgive me, save me. Don't let me go to jail. Don't let me bear this punishment. Of course God will forgive me for being disobedient to Him. I am sure of that. But will he save me from the consequences of breaking the law? I don't think so. But He will give us the strength to bear those consequences. He will make the burden lighter.

Remember Lot and his wife? 

“And as they (angels) brought them out, one said, ‘Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.’” (Genesis 19:17)
“But Lot’s wife, behind him, looked back and she became a pillar of salt.” (Genesis 19:26)

Lot lost everything he had hoped to build in his chosen "city" life and she lost her life itself. Our human capacity to disobey is still very much prevalent, but thankfully we have Jesus to help us through. 


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