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​How do you spend your money?

James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Mark Chapter 10 42- 44
Jesus called them over and said, “You know that the ones who are considered the rulers by the Gentiles show off their authority over them and their high-ranking officials order them around. 43 But that’s not the way it will be with you. Whoever wants to be great among you will be your servant. 44 Whoever wants to be first among you will be the slave of all....

Money is the mechanism with which we satisfy needs and wants. One can have just enough or can have it over the top. One can also have so much you don't know what to do with it.
Money is so important to us that most people are in a race to earn money, whether as individuals or organisations. If you don't earn in your prime, you are considered a failure.

It is tempting to get caught in the race to become wealthy and successful – and when we do, somewhere pride comes in as well, maybe through our lifestyle or possessions. That pride is almost always based on a belief that we have achieved what we have, through our hard work, intelligence and knowledge. These days specially, with social media replacing physical interaction and extending reach, it is very easy to show off a holiday, or a possession or an achievement. Some people even show where they are- "on a flight to xyz" or "at so and so hotel" etc. Etc.

Think about who gave us that intelligence or knowledge to achieve? Who made us able bodied? Who gave us opportunities? As believers, do we know and realize that if we gain riches, it is only because God has given us the ability to gain riches.

If we believe and understand this, that belief will influence how we spend that money as well. Will we spend it on earthly possessions, holidays, clothes etc., which show the world how well I am doing, or do we spend it only on our needs and look to use the rest to make a difference in someone's life? Maybe support someone's education, or feed someone who is hungry or enable someone to earn a livelihood.

When we understand everything, we've made comes from God, including our life itself, it makes a difference how we spend our money and our time and how we live our lives. This does not mean we don't enjoy the blessing God has provided, but we don't indulge. 

We remain humble and grounded to be connected to people who need you.


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