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Can you Sleep amid a storm?

Can you sleep amid a storm? Can anyone? 

In all honesty, left to ourselves I don't think anyone can. The fear of uncertainty created by a storm just does us in.

But someone did. While on a boat, in the middle of the storm, someone was fast asleep while others were going crazy with fear. 

If we take a storm in the figurative sense, we all face it many times in our lives and most times reacting negatively (in fear and panic) with a crushed spirit to those around us, hurting them as well as hurting ourselves.

How great it would be if we could sleep through them, unconcerned about our post storm future!

Here is the thing. We can.

The man who slept through the storm was able to do so because He had peace within Himself. He didn't have a care about the future because He knew the future. 

Today, He has promised us that same peace and it is ours for the taking. He asks us to cast all our cares upon Him and in return take His peace to enjoy. 

This has some very practical implications: With that peace within us, we will be able to make the right choices (not desperate ones but logical ones) and hence the right decisions in our lives. We will be able to live a life unburdened by fear and the consequences of that fear on our health, heart and people around us. We will be able to lead without fear - shining professionally and personally.

1 Peter 5 ver 7 and John 14:27 respectively give us the keys to these promises ...

7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" 


Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.


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