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NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS PART II : Pastor Rajiv's New Year Message


While we discussed resolutions yesterday and, taking a cure from Paul, we looked at "building a Biblical New Year Resolution". From verse 14 onwards Paul changes gears to talk about behaving like Christians with non-believers. Make no mistake, this is a crucial admonition especially in the world we are living in today.

Paul says we are to relate to non-believers the same way we relate to other believers: with love Even when non-believers persecute us do good even to those who treat us badly. The post tragedy behaviour of Mrs Gladys Staines is a beautiful example of this : ‘bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse’.

It takes god’s grace to be truly concerned about the successes and needs of other people.

Verse 16 is extremely crucial in defining behaving like Christians : be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. do not be wise in your own opinion.

Simply put, this means keep harmony amongst all do not be haughty or conceited or manoeuvre or manipulate to associate with the high ups in life. This aspect is a common fallacy and trap that humans, including Christians, fall into.

Jesus set an example of this from his own life here on earth. He associated with all sections of society and especially with those whom the high and mighty of the day refused to associate with like tax collectors sinners and the outcastes of society. He was comfortable with everyone.

Then, from verses 17 through to 21 Paul emphasizes an extremely crucial point based on Jesus’ redefinition of the of standard of ‘an eye for an eye’

Jesus said instead ‘turn the other cheek’ ! This was an ethical standard which was foreign to the ways of this world then, and it still is now.

This propagation does not go down with the way the world thinks and Paul has used 5 verses to make this very crucial point in our relationship with others. Our typical reaction is “vengeance” through retaliation which never stops evil and in fact fans its flames even more.

It is important to note that when we strive to avenge ourselves we are actually trying to do God’s work; we are trying to take his place because god has reserved vengeance for himself.

Paul quotes part of Deuteronomy 32:35 when he says we are not to avenge ourselves.

Give place to wrath and let God deal with a person in his own way and in his own time. God’s time may not be convenient for us but His timing is always perfect.

Verse 20 is an extremely powerful verse. therefore

“if your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him a drink;
for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”

Theologians and biblical scholars call this à the principle of replacement, it is a powerful biblical principle and we will talk about this tomorrow. 


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