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The Goodness of God: Our Daily Reflections

There is a chorus which goes - God is good all the time. Believers also constantly tall about the goodness of God. That is till our prayer requests are not answered in the way we expected, then we are not so sure.

To honestly say God is good, we must have an acceptance of His will over mine and that He knows best. If our prayers are not met in the way we expected, so be it. It does not mean He is not so good, but that he knows much better than us, as to what is good for us. So -

A. We need to believe He knows better than we do and will choose the best way in the right time, which will maximise the benefit for us, even to the point of death. and

B. His will is over mine, and which will make my journey easier.

God’s goodness shows up in our lives every single day. Although we often think of his goodness when something big happens, his goodness abounds all the time--in every hour, minute, and second of the day, in the smallest of things around us. Here are five examples of his goodness in our everyday lives as per Carrie Lowrance: 

When He wakes us up every morning He shows us His unfailing love. 

When He pours out His favors on us - Carrie Lowrance says "We need to pay attention to all the little things in our day, both big and small, that are a blessing to us. A lot of times, it’s the little things that mean so much".

When He protects us: From ill health, from malicious gossip and so many big and small things. 

Finally, when He speaks to us and guides us. 

So, lets think about life, how we have been part of receiving so much even though we may not acknowledge it or even be aware of it. Lets try and count our blessings, on by one. 

You can read more about this from Carrie Lowrance's Blog Here


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