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Why? : Our Daily Reflection

Most of us if not all of us have asked this question since time immemorial. Whenever we face troubles or challenges, death, a job loss, financial difficulties etc., we tend to ask ourselves why. We are good people, strong believers, haven't harmed anyone, so why are we suffering this problem?

We get this answer from Job, may be the biggest sufferer in the universe, in chapter 42, verse 5, where he says- 

"My ears had heard of you
but now my eyes have seen you".

This very clearly shows that unless we have experienced God, we can never be firsthand believers and will always have a secondhand faith, largely dependent on others.

In the words of Ms Francis Taylor, "We have been taught about God by others. But the time must come in each of our lives to actually "see" what God has done both in the world and in us. For our faith to be "ours," we can't let it rest on the confession of others.

Have we seen the hand of God so that our faith is truly ours, or not? Faith dependent on someone else's isn't strong enough to withstand the trials this life will bring".

So, like Job, next time you question God with a why, remember the answer Job has left for all of us to learn by.


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