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The Long Forgotten Concept of "Respect"

There are so many points of conflict in the world today. Between people, nations, continents, races, gender, age and so on. You name it and it is there. 
Is it conflict what God created us for? 

We have to learn that people of other faiths, color, gender etc., are not only created by, but also sustained by, God the Creator. The Biblical understanding of God as creator should lead to understand that all people, their cultures and spiritualities are within the sphere of God's love.

Respect for people includes respecting who they are and acting out that respect. It is part of the commandment to love your neighbor.

Why Is Respect so Important in the Christian Community?

In the Bible we learn that it is firstly God who respects man: 

"Since you are precious and honored (respected) in my sight, and because I love you" (Isiaah 43:4) 

If man thus opens to God, he always receives his reverence, because respect is the permanent state of God.

In return, Reverence for God. Honor for others is what we learn from Him and are taught to practice. Respect for all life as created by and belonging to God. These are not only marks of a believer, but they set a goal for Christians to demonstrate faith and love of God. 

Paul says in Romans 12:10 - "Outdo yourselves in honoring (respecting) one another".

Respecting others demonstrates the value God places on life. Respecting others demonstrates the character of God in His humility, sacrificial love, and redemptive plan. Respecting others creates a community that is marked by harmony, service, and care for even the most vulnerable.

At the end of the day, we respect others out of our reverence for our God and this contributes powerfully to the testimony and legacy we create. 


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