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Who will Cry When I Die? : The importance of Sacrificial Giving

I cannot forget a Book by Robin Sharma called "Who will cry when you die". The title inspired me to think, and often I ask myself the same question: who will cry when I die? Maybe not literally, but who will genuinely grieve? 

Apart from my family and a couple of friends, I really can't count any. We are so involved with self and careers and God knows what else, we forget to carve out a legacy which we can leave behind. And why should we ? 

Because "Life" is not a career; life is not about just us. There is nothing wrong about doing things for us but that is not the ends. Life is the means to the end. Life is living in harmony with the world around us. Taking care of the world and people around us. Using our talents wisely for the benefit of others. 

Everything we have comes from above. Do we even stop to give thanks? here is how Hen Smith defined it nearly 50 years ago and presented by Rosemary Seimens in a musical format

But seriously. Do we share our blessings, our talents as Rosemary has done? I know of at least 5 individuals, and a couple of great musicians and song writers, who perform the Lord's songs on demand. But never on their own. 

Hebrews 13:16 says-

16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Note the word "sacrifices" and "sharing"

Pastor Rajiv has already talked about sacrificial giving or sharing in the last two posts and clearly defined what it means to give and more so, what is sacrificial giving. 

Careers and material things will end one day as will life itself. What will last will be the legacy we leave. Can we start creating it? 

Think about it. Who will cry when you die. 


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