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4 Steps to wisdom

As we get older, we become wiser and we gradually realize that a $30 watch and a $300 watch show the same time...Whether we wear $30 or $300 purses, the same amount of money can fit in both.. Whether we drive a $150,000 car or a $30,000 car, the journey and the distance are the same, we always reach the same destination..

Wisdom is what we all want and need. It helps us to make the right choices, to make the right decisions, to know right from wrong. It gives us discernment. But wisdom is not easy to find nor get. It is a challenging process, requiring us to rise above our own selves. While wisdom is a keen desire of all, it requires us to work towards it. It is a process in steps. So what are they? 

1. Desire - the first step is to have a consistent desire to get wisdom, throughout the process. Consistent because, frequently we will find that wisdom tells us to do something while not doing it is more attractive. Not to desire something, while that desire is so pleasurable. And so we frequently over-ride wisdom. This is detrimental to gaining it because it does not allow us to experience the pleasure of a wise decision.

2. The second step is to search wisdom. Fortunately for us, we have the Bible as the world's best reference, guide and textbook. We need to be committed to read and learn.

3. Thirdly, we should talk to the Author of the Bible, pray for wisdom; for Gods word to speak to us. As James tell us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (James 1:5).

4. Finally, we need to fear the Lord. Solomon says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (see Proverbs 9:10). But how should we fear God? 

Philipp Melanchthon, a collaborator of Martin Luther, discussed what it means to fear God by contrasting filial fear with servile fear. Filial fear is the type of respect and love a child has for a parent, a fear of offending the one they most adore and trust. In contrast, servile fear is the kind of fear that a prisoner has for his jailer or executioner. Guess what? Contrary to the image of the word "fear" God expects Filial fear and NOT "servile' fear. 

Age by itself does not give us wisdom. But it does give us time to take those 4 steps to be wise. To start with dedicate 1 day a week to be truly wise, not deciding things based on your emotions or gut feel but on the word of God, His counsel through prayer and patiently wait for Him to guide.



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