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Force Majeure

Every time I think about life and all the numerous small and big miracles I have experienced, I recall Romans 5:5 where it says -

"Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us".

it follows then that if we want God's wonderous participation in our lives, through the Holy Spirit we need to relinquish control. But we confine the Holy Spirit, muzzle Him, constrain Him, all to remain in control.

One thing is for sure: That Miracles are not the "normal" of today. They are acts of God - The Force Majeure. Even the law recognizes that.

Miracles are always within the grand design of God the Creator and fall within the category of prophetic symbolism intended to draw attention to something beyond themselves that confirms the word of God. They are not isolated gestures on the part of God but play an important part in the execution of the grand design of the Creator for the redemption of His creatures.

However, they are beyond the natural forces. Stanford university defines a miracle as something beyond the productive powers of nature. They violate natural laws as we know them. The dead, in nature, remain dead. The living, in nature, have to die. A river will naturally flow, you cannot stop it. For any of these examples to reverse, they need an intervention, beyond nature. And that intervention is God, as the creator of nature.

But. Miracles happen everyday. The sun rises and sets each day; small seeds grow into mighty trees; the many components of our body work together, enabling us to breathe, run, dream, and eat. Inspired advances in medicine and technology are happening every day, and we can now communicate with almost anyone anywhere. God’s power can be seen in every detail of our lives. His power is seen, yet not His participation.

Often, a miracle doesn’t prevent suffering or tragedy at all. God performs miracles for two basic reasons: to strengthen faith and to accomplish good.

But if we seek miracles for the wrong reasons, we can run into trouble. The most common problem comes if we seek signs as proof of God’s existence. If we don’t add any faith to the equation, these miracles and signs won’t ever lead to real, lasting conversion.


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