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Who are you?

If someone asked you today, who are you, what would your reply be? Most of us would give our name, profession and maybe address.

John the Baptist was asked the same question, repeatedly, and his answer can become a standard for us.

Most of us, when questioned, focus on the creation rather than the creator. We would say our name, our occupation, or position and so on. But John introduced himself by his mission. He was clear on what it was and what he was committed to do.

In our case our mission defines our focus. Is our mission to become a CEO or a political leader etc. Or is our mission to become an instrument of Gods work. And if so what exactly can I do in His kingdom? What is our role?

The answer to that question will tell us whether we are "creation focused" or "creator focused". Whether we have made idols in our lives or not.

Today, as an exercise can we craft an answer like John's which we can answer people with when asked "who are you". For example, say a doctor is asked. He could give an interesting reply - "I am Dr. John Deo and I am Gods assistant in healing the sick". Or say a teacher - "I am Jane Doe and I teach people through God given wisdom, to learn to live in this world". A mother could say I help God create life. A Gardner could say I help God propagate the nature He made.

So let's craft an answer for ourselves today, giving God the glory for what we do and the skills we have to do it. Let us proudly say how we help God in His work here on Earth. 


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