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Holidaying from Easter

Easter Monday may not be the first thing you think of when you remember the Easter calendar, but it highlights an important part of the Easter story: what happened after Jesus got out of the tomb?

(Today we will refer to Jenna Brooke Carlsons article in

While Easter Monday is really not a mandated celebration, it's importance and practice started somewhere in the 15th century. Christ had risen, Easter was celebrated, and now what? If easter was the resurrection of Christ and a new life for us, then Easter Monday is the first day of our new life. Easter eggs signify that new life. 

Christ was active pretty active during the 40 days but more than that, Easter Monday is a continuum of Easter itself. What happened on Easter does not remain in Easter but to be continued in our lives.

Easter Monday has different names, including Bright Monday, Renewal Monday, Wet Monday, and Dyngus Day, but why Easter Monday at all? Jesus died on the cross for our sins. He took our place as the perfect, blameless sacrifice. Anyone who believes in him can receive this gift of salvation and be with him forever. This is a continuing sacrifice, and does not stop on Easter. Monday underscores the conviction that Christ is alive today and every day.

"On Easter Monday and each day that follows, Christians can celebrate the new life in Jesus. Jesus ascended into heaven, where he still sits. He sent the Holy Spirit, who still comes. After the miraculous events of Easter Sunday, Easter Monday reminds us that joy continues in our everyday life. The celebration isn’t over after Easter. Jesus’s invitation to follow him is available to anyone who believes, today and everyday." 

The point is, we all may have had some best practices during Easter and what we need to ensure is that there is no backsliding. One is not talking about fasting from food, but fasting from negative habits, talking to God everyday, inviting His participation in our daily lives, respecting and loving others, service to mankind and so on. All that we read, studied and experienced during lent and Easter, needs to be practiced after Easter as well. 

Therefore, Easter Monday is that comma, with which we continue Christ's resurrection in our lives. Every day. Remember, Easter Monday is not a holiday from Easter. 


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