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Leadership 101: The Professionals Bible

Management has a new Mantra these days: Leadership. Leadership courses are being taught all over while management consultants and coaches specialize in Leadership.

According to McKinsey, a very respected consulting firm, Leadership is defined as a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew an organization. In short, it addresses one of the activities of management know as influencing.

But Leadership is nothing new and the Bible is full of examples of Leadership. Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Saul, the apostles, Joseph and so on, all appointed and mentored and led by God, the greatest leader of all.

If God produced so many leaders, and is the greatest leader, is it not worthwhile to understand how He defined leadership?  because it logically follows that His definition and therefore His method, would be the best.

To understand this, we need to remember that leadership stems from management, which stems from stewardship (the actual meaning of management), which means to take care of something entrusted to us. And which has nothing to do with power, but everything to do with service.

Colossians 3:12-13 offers one of the best Bible verses about leadership (and life in general). The guidance here calls for kindness, compassion, patience, humility and gentleness — all wonderful qualities of good leaders.

Biblical leadership, therefore, is leading through serving, people or resources who have been entrusted to us by our employers or by God. This is popularly known as servant leadership.

"A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid,” servant leadership is different" (Greenleaf). This was best demonstrated by Jesus Himself when He washed the disciples feet.

Now measure each of the Biblical leaders against this definition. What do you get? 
Again, let's measure our own leadership - are we dictators or bullies? Is our leadership objective over riding people or are we inclusive? Can we liken ourselves to any one of the Biblical leaders or none?

We don't need any consultants to teach us good leadership. We have a proven resource- the Bible. No other really has a clear-cut curriculum and framework, which is reproduced below for reference.

Attitude of humility and service

Intolerance of injustice or wrongdoing.

Attitude of humility and service

Share a Vision

Empower people


respectful and hardworking and demand that from others as well

Lead by example

Change Makers 



 50K Feet Vision


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