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Transforming Sadness to Hope

Proverbs 19:17
Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed. ESV
17 Mercy to the needy is a loan to God, and God pays back those loans in full MSG
In the quoted verse I believe that the thought is better represented by the word "needy" rather than the word "poor" as it is inclusive and refers to various needs of people.
Meeting those needs creates a transformation - From Sadness to hope. Such a transformation creates hope in the hopeless when their mental or physical needs are met.
This transformation can happen to anyone and everyone, who asks, as God is the author and the architect. But we too can participate in the transformation helping God with small things. 
It could be helping someone buy groceries, share time with someone who maybe lonely. Maybe chat with lonely elders and listen to their stories, which, by the way , are usually very interesting, entertaining and informative. Sometimes all we may need to invest is a smile; or time; God will never ask us to invest what we don't have.
Today, can you think of one person you can help transform?
On this first day of the week, may our prayer be:
Lord Jesus, I surrender to You my case! Help me to be an agent of transformation in someone's life. Open the eyes of my heart so that I can see the needs of people around me so that I can be your channel of comfort to them. In my own life, I too want to be made whole by You! I believe in Your ability to work powerfully in my life as well over all the difficulties I am facing. As I rise up and walk, towards being an agent of your transformation, thank You for transforming me because You walk with me on the journey in Jesus’ name! Amen!



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