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Diligent Planning


One of the four pillars of management is planning. It is also a natural outcome of living - we make plans for every minute of our day. For our careers, our families for every aspect of our life, we have a plan. We, each also have a certain vision for our life as well, which we plan to achieve.

Some plans fructify into the desired result, some don't and some actually have the opposite effect. Then we quickly alter our plan to cater to the new realities we face.

What we don't realize is that God, our creator, also has a plan for us and one which does not change (that's the scary part). Therefore, the degree of success of our plan lies in its proximity to Gods plan because we all have a God given purpose and which needs to be fulfilled. End of the day, God is NOT a rubber stamp! 

Incidentally, the word “plan” appears 205 times throughout the books of the Bible. It begins with and concludes with Revelation; such is the importance accorded to that word. 

Proverbs 21:5 says - 

The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.

So what is this diligence it talks about? 

When we make our plans, we ought to avail ourselves of His wisdom and seek His purpose. It may be a good idea to seek His guidance and help through prayer. For sure He will let us know whether our intended plan is in sync with His will for our life.

The big question is this: How do I know God's will? Well for starters, we need to build a relationship with Him. Christianity is all about relationship rather than just religion.

Secondly we must learn to be observant. We are not animals who go through life either wild or being led. We are humans, with a free will and a mind of our own. The power of observation is one of God's gifts to us and we must use it. God often clearly demonstrates His plan for our lives by lining up circumstances in obvious ways. And He also shows us what His will is NOT for us to do in that same way.

Lastly, God's plans maybe and probably will be tough, but they are never evil. If we believe in Him, and have faith, we must remember that. Its easy to trust when the going is good, the real rest comes when things get tough. Yet, for us to be successful, we must trust! 

Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”


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