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Prayer is Useless!


Hemant Mehta, author of "The Young Atheist's Survival Guide, wrote in New York Times, "prayer is useless (without action...It lulls believers into a false sense of accomplishment".)

All of us at some time in our life have faced situations when, in spite of intense prayer, the answer does not seem to be forthcoming. When that happens fear, uncertainty and doubt creep in. We may feel that it is futile to pray as God does not seem to be listening. It may be a prayer for a job, or the life of a loved one, or sickness or financial disaster. It could be so many things life throws at us. Or it could be something we crave for- like a new home or a car or a life partner.

When we feel it is all futile, we need to remember that delay in answer is not dismissal. 

Furthermore, what is the purpose of prayer? Dr. Michelle Bengtson says this - " Our prayers are not just an avenue of petition. While God does encourage us to ask Him to meet our needs, it’s only part of the purpose of prayer. Prayer is also a vehicle of expression of praising God for who He is and thanksgiving for all He has done and all He is going to do. Prayer is the avenue He has created for us to repair our relationship with Him, by confessing and repenting of the times we have gone our own way". Answered (or unanswered payers, are an outcome of this relationship. 

However, before we ask, we really need to examine three things.

1. Godly motive
Will prayer right a wrong deliberately committed and spare us the consequences? Is our prayer to cater to a lifestyle or a need? Is our prayer what Jesus would pray for? What really is our motive? Is it mechanical prayer or is it heartfelt?

2. In line with Gods plan
None of us, no matter how strong a believer and follower, can change Gods sovereign will. We have free will to choose or reject God. But once we choose to accept, we also have to accept Gods will for us. We have free will to choose to act in any manner here on earth. But once we choose to follow Jesus, our actions are determined and guided by His life and Gods will for us, which, in faith we believe to be the best for us. 

3. Is it in line with His Timeline? 
Who really knows Time? God created Time and He knows how to manage it best. He knows when we need something or when we need to wait for something better. 

Consider a story of a factory worker whose job it was to lift and place lumber on to trucks for being exported. He had a very good relationship with the owner, so he asked for a crane and the owner of the mill agreed with one condition: The worker had to go to the crane factory 500 miles away, for 5 days, and learn how to operate it like a pro! 

The worker thought he was crazy: After all, he could have learned how to operate the crane after it was delivered! It was so frustrating! 

We would love to know what our readers think? Was the mill owner right in putting that condition? Why do you think he did? How would that one condition benefit the worker? 


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