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What Is Your Comfort Boat? :


***Based on a KJV Devotional

"And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Matthew 14:29-31 KJV

When God calls us to go deeper in our relationship with Him, it takes deep trust and stepping out in faith in order for us to accomplish what He is calling us to do.
Consider the Apostle Peter, who was the only one who boldly got out of the boat and took the risk and leap of faith in order to come closer to Jesus. Like most of us, Peter got so distracted by the surroundings that he almost drowned; but Jesus came to the rescue.
Things like bridling the tongue, practicing speaking only words that bring life, and so on may seem an impossible quest, for we are weak and easily tempted. But Jesus only wants us to step out of the boat of our comfort and put our trust in Him as we step out in obedience. If He didn’t let Peter, who doubted Him, drown, He wouldn’t leave you all by yourself on this journey. The more you obey His Word and apply His commandments, the more you grow closer to Him.
What is your comfort boat right now? Step out in faith, and don't be afraid. He is with you in all seasons of your life, in good times and bad times. You can do all things through Christ Who gives you strength!
Many of us may be going through some tough times, maybe in health, or finances or relationships. There may be challenges we are scared to face or try and overcome. Yet, God expects us to face them and overcome them, with His strength and Grace. He wants us to step out onto that sea of challenge and he will be there to save.
Prayer point: Lord Jesus, You know the comfort boat I am in. Thank You for giving me the courage to step out and walk closer toward You, even though there are uncertainties of circumstances. I put my faith and trust in You, for You are always there to rescue me as I step out in obedience toward Your call in Jesus’ name! Amen.


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