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Today is Thanksgiving!

No, it's not the last Thursday of November. That is reserved for Americans. Since its the season we call it out today, though it could be any day in the year to stop to think of His greatness - from the universal to the personal.

Yet, it is a day of Thanksgiving. 

Creation, by itself, fills one with awe when you stop to think how it could have been made. Imagine this: the earth hangs in the air, with no support, rotates so that each part of it gets the sun and the moon by turns. We praise Him for this creation that we enjoy day on day, night by night, every second.

Think about ourselves. Truly He knew us much before we were born. He brought us into a family or friends who brought us to Him. We thank God for their presence in our lives. For those who are second generation Christians, remember Sunday school and the teachers? We have included a short chorus at the end of this post to jog your memory! We are thankful for them.

Meanwhile, lets count our blessing- on by one...

He gave us handpicked life partners for continuity when our parents ceased to live. He gave us the fellowship of believers, past and present, who helped us in our journey. When we didn't connect to the right partner, He gave us access to a fellowship. When we did not appreciate them or use them, He gave us a reason to; every morning - when we woke up, we gained consciousness. He gave us each day- to live and bless. 

He used family and friends, dead and alive, to take care of us when we needed it most. He circled us with a hedge of His protection throughout our lives. He took us away from danger even when we may not even be aware.

While we may be going through tough times, we keep going in His grace and strength. We are still protected by His hedge. After all we live in this world and will face challenges of this world. But we live in hope, because all these people brought us to Him who gave us this hope. 

Let us praise Him and thank Him for His love and all these people who shared His love with us.


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