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Goliath and You


The Story of David and Goliath is extremely well known to most if not all the earth, regardless of one's beliefs. Goliath was a descendant of the Nephilim—the offspring of the “sons of God” and their human wives. 

The Israelites failed to wipe out the Anakites—a subset of the Nephilim—in their conquest of the Promised Land, and so the Anakites survived in Gath and its surrounding cities, eventually becoming what we know as the Philistines. Goliath was a Philistine warrior from Gath—a powerful symbol of Israel’s previous failures.

Like the Israelis, we all have, have had or will have a Goliath in our life and will have to face it someday.

A Goliath could be anything - a debt, failing faith, a family tragedy, a life threat, a mortgage, addiction, losses, or so many things this world has to offer. David's story teaches us two things - a. It is possible to defeat Goliath no matter how big and strong he is. And 2. the way to do it.

David was in constant communication with God. Maybe through self-talk, through prayer through thoughts. When he killed the lion and the bear, think about how. Who helped him.

An ancient document found at Qumran in Palestine claims that David wrote over 4000 songs. Tradition attributes 73 of the 150 poems of the biblical book Psalms to him as well. Psalm 144 depicts David playing the ten-stringed lyre, which some even suggest he invented. David communicated with God through his music as well.

Because of this, David did not need to pray before fighting Goliath because he was in constant communication with God! He has a prayer in His heart and the strength from being in constant communication with God.

So here seems to be the key. Like David, we do need to take time out to prayer but equally, so we need to be in constant thoughts in communication with God.


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