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Do We Still Need the Commandments?

We’re all familiar with the idea of laws. We know the Ten Commandments, and we understand all of the rules that have been built on top of them. They spell out what how we ought to live, but they really provide no recourse. That recourse came from Jesus, when He took on Himself the penalty of the sins of the entire world, then and in the future.
But now that we have received grace from Jesus, are we done with the law?
The growing feeling among people is that with the belief in, and grace of Jesus, that being in the grace of God means that they don't have to do some of the things.
that God has told us to do. In fact, while we may not admit how we lessen their priority in our day-to-day life, as adults, some may not even remember the 10 commandments!
Rather, we should see how the law has pointed to Jesus all along, revealing His character, and helping us see our need for His grace, by which he empowers us to live for Him, for without the law we would not even know how deeply in trouble we are, such is our affinity to rebel.
We should realize though that the Commandments provide a moral framework that guides believers in living out their faith in practical ways. They are not followed out of fear or obligation but as a response to God’s love, helping to shape a life that
reflects His grace. The fact is that we, each one of us, are so prone to straying even after receiving His Grace that we need a reference to return back to, if we truly
love and believe in Christ and our Father.
To be clear, "the Ten Commandments are not optional for believers in Jesus Christ, nor do they become irrelevant when we get saved. They are the pathway of knowing life to its fullest and living life to its limits" - says Pastor Jack Hayford who served as Chancellor of The King’s University (formerly The King’s College and Seminary) in Southlake, Texas.
He goes onto to say - "The same that was true of Egypt is true of our culture; only the idols have changed. No longer the sun god, Ra, now the idol is sex or the great god of science and many more". This could be as simple a thing as a car, our children or anything we may give more importance to.
"Every one of the ten directives God spoke are for our blessing, not to show His muscle, intimidate people, or badger them with His greatness. They represent God’s heart toward man’s deliverance and destiny and are given to make possible the prospering of our lives".
Lastly, the question is why do we believe in the need for Jesus or His grace? It's only because we know we have fallen way, way short, of the Law and the only recourse is Jesus.
How will we know that if we don't even know the Law and its importance?


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