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The Wind and the Sail: Partnering with God


A sailing boat is an ideal example of a partnership between man and God. Even the law recognizes and divides actions into two parts - act of man and act of God.

When God works for us to provide various blessings, it is through a combination of actions - act of God combined with an action of man. Unlike the law it does not separate but combines. Much like a sailboat which sails when a sail is hoisted by man to use the wind sent by God.

In our earthly life, we have been destined to work the ground with labor to eat and live. Every action of ours, unless supported by God is useless. A farmer tills the ground, breaks his back to plant but unless the right weather conditions exist, he won't get a crop. Likewise, a factory worker will flourish when demand for that product is high which will happen if economic and natural forces are positive, both of which depend on nature which depends on God.

Yet, we try and solve our own problems, find our own solutions. How much more foolish can we get? Therefore, to overcome we need to partner with God. Listen to  His directions. If He needs us to perform an action, well, that is what we must do. But to do that we need to first "hear" Him. 


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