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When the Walls Start Closing In...

Refer Luke 7:22

Anxiety and worry are crippling issues for many people. In this age of technology, it is easier than ever before to compare ourselves to one another, which can lead to a lot of thoughts of inadequacy, insecurity and worthlessness. "The two listeners" in their book called God Calling, describe this feeling as below:

How can you be "joyful when days were rain-packed, nights tortured by chronic insomnia, when poverty and almost insupportable worry were our daily portion, when prayer went unanswered and God's face was veiled, and fresh calamities came upon us...... Disheartened, one of us would gladly have ceased the struggle and passed onto a another and happier life". 

In truth many, if not all, some of us go through such times and feelings.  What do we do about it?

Pastor David Jacobs has this to say and suggest- Consider  Philippians 4 verses 6 and 7 - 

6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

"What does Paul say in this verse: don't worry about anything! "Be careful for nothing." NOTHING! If only it were that easy...but can it be?

"I would like you to try something the next time you feel anxious or worried: immediately mention it to God when it happens. Notice the feeling, mention it, and see what happens. I think you will be surprised by the results. I often feel most anxious in the morning: I think about the things that I need to do that day, the things I didn't do yesterday, and the things I will think about tomorrow. Basically, I am a nervous and anxious wreck. I have a habit that has helped me greatly with this issue, however: every morning, I wake up and pray.

Immediately. I don't toss and turn in bed, I don't check my phone, I don't make coffee...I go immediately to pray. The effects have been tremendous in terms of dealing with my anxiety.....

The first reason I like to pray in the morning is because it quiets my mind. Suddenly the day ahead of me becomes more clear. I know what things I want to deal with immediately, what things I can put on the back burner, and what things I might not have to deal with at all. Second, although you might think I would be sleepy as a result, I have found that I actually wake up. My mind is fresh and free to wander a bit, and I have a nice conversation to start the day. Third, and I believe this is the most important, I am given an opportunity to thank God for all that I am grateful for. 

This prayer of thanksgiving starts my day on a positive note, and it trickles down into all the things that I do that day." 


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